Monday, 29 September 2014

Learn security from experts and their courses

The security course of information security company is aimed at professionals who want to practically apply computer skills and make assessments, opinions and appraisals computer solving disputes with the extraction of digital evidence and present them to the judge. Professionals in information technology and the right who want to update their knowledge to solve problems that arise in their professional work and make tactical and strategic decisions in their jobs can also take help of penetration testing company. Recent graduates and final year students who want a current practical training to enable them to get oriented and go to work in a complex competitive labor market with the help of courses from Website security company.

As per David Thomas from information security company, we know that is very important academic training, but is also very important practically and field work, especially in this science, where programs, tools and processes are continuously updated experience. The theory is good, but practice is essential, especially to explain to the students who have problems in applying the knowledge gained; so our teachers are associated computer specialists who live day to day computer forensics and computer expertise.

This course of penetration testing company aims at training Computer Specialists and during undergo continuous changes, leading to its development.
This course prepares you for the free exercise of the profession, to work for others (usually in private research firms), and in the case of a member of the forces of state security, as a specialist in the laboratory or department of Criminology "intellectual property."
The methodology of WebImprints, which is a website security company is designed to acquire the necessary knowledge for training where schedules and student-teacher relationship are completely customized.

As per the experts from information security company, a formative methodology easy, useful and practical in content to achieve a professional qualification where to apply the knowledge gained real work experience, developing their skills, knowledge and computer skills necessary to achieve the objectives.
Early in the course will be theoretical elements necessary for training in a computer expert. The work to be performed and considerations to keep in mind as well as the responsibilities as the presentation of reports, statements say an expert from penetration testing company
In a second phase, students undertake real case skills in order to acquire a practical skill in applying the acquired expert skills. Our goal is to learn from the experience with a cross-platform knowledge of our professional knowledge and develop the necessary skills to manage quite easily in structuring a computer expert and to be able to apply in real practice the knowledge acquired in this course with the help of website security company.
You will know their obligations and responsibilities as Judicial Computer expert.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

auditoria de seguridad informatica Por qué pentest

Pruebas de Penetración de seguridad de la información (Pentest) es un sondeo sistemático de un sistema en busca de vulnerabilidades. En la mayoría de los casos, la auditoria de seguridad informatica se realiza externamente, desde una ubicación remota, poniendo a prueba sus sistemas al igual que un hacker podría, en busca de puntos débiles y revisar seguridad del sitio web.
Las pruebas de penetración se utilizan para evaluar los puntos de entrada a la red, tales como firewalls, routers y otros equipos para el mis-configuraciones y otras cuestiones que pueden permitir a los hackers acceder a los sistemas internos. En algunos casos, las pruebas pueden evaluar los servidores web y código del sitio web para riesgos. Desde sitios web tienden a tener una gran cantidad de código personalizado, que están sujetas a una variedad de riesgos, incluyendo los ataques de inyección SQL, crosssite scripting y muchas otras vulnerabilidades.
Los riesgos de seguridad del sitio web se desarrollan sobre una base diaria. Un sistema que es seguro un día puede ser amplia abrir el siguiente. Pruebas de penetración son un medio para evaluar sus sistemas para asegurar que la información se mantenga segura y sus sistemas están disponibles cuando se necesitan.
Auditoria de seguridad informatica puede ir desde simples herramientas automatizadas que buscan los temas más básicos a los enfoques más integrales que se basan en la experiencia de la persona que realiza la prueba.
Estos enfoques de gama alta suelen emular el proceso utilizado por los piratas informáticos, sistemas de escaneo de vulnerabilidades, la evaluación de los resultados, ejecuta otras herramientas para lograr avances adicionales en la red, evaluar y responder si es necesario para obtener más y más en el sistema que está siendo evaluado para asegurar seguridad del sitio web.
El enfoque que utilice debe tener en cuenta la sensibilidad de la información que está recogiendo y almacenamiento, la naturaleza de su negocio, y el tamaño de su organización. Por encima de todo, el enfoque adoptado debe responder a su pregunta más básica.
Un enfoque integral requiere más tiempo y se basa en el conocimiento y experiencia de la persona que realiza la auditoria de seguridad informatica.
Antes de elegir su enfoque, asegúrese de que conoce su pregunta. Esto ayudará a alinear correctamente la prueba de penetración de la derecha con sus necesidades específicas. Pruebas de penetración ayudan a proteger su propiedad intelectual, a reducir sus riesgos, mejorar su posición competitiva y mejorar su imagen y reputación.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Data protection and information security difference

According to experts from network security company in Computer Security we must distinguish between, Information Security and Data Protection.
One must distinguish between the two, because they form the basis and reason, justify the selection of data elements that require special attention in the context of Information Security and usually also give the reason and the obligation to protect with the help of data Security Company. Most of data is leaked via website ,which can be prevented with the help of Website security company.

During an interview with expert from network security company, although the difference between Information Security and Data Protection as a motive or obligation of security activities but the security measures applied are the same.

Information Security is required to protect the data and is used to avoid their loss and non-authorized modification. Data Protection should first ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, however there are more requirements such as authenticity among others. Data protection can be implemented wit the help of data Security Company.

As per the experts from webimprints, which is a Website security company.The reason for the authorities to implement protective measures that respond to information security, is the interest of the institution or person handling the data, because the loss or modification of data, could result in damage.
For example the bank , they have to implement information security measure to ensure data protection with the help of data Security Company. Any lost or erroneous modification, whether caused intentionally or just by human negligence, any record of a bank account, can result in economic losses or other negative consequences for the institution. Thus help of network security company is required.

In many states there are legal rules governing the processing of personal data, such as in Mexico, where there is the " Law of Protection of Personal Data" which aims to guarantee and protect, with regard to the processing of personal data, public freedoms and fundamental rights of physical persons, and especially their honor and personal and family privacy and privacy. But the big problem is when there are no laws and legal rules that prevent the abuse or misuse of personal data or if inadequately or arbitrarily applied. There are some professions that by their professional nature are recognized and bound by his oath, to respect personal data such as doctors, lawyers, judges and priests. But regardless, whether or not there are legal rules, the responsibility for proper processing of personal data and the consequences that may result in the case of missing it. Thus WebImprints, a Website security company is helping its clients in this respect.


Protección web con pruebas de penetración

 Seguridad de Datos ,empresas de seguridad informatica,Pentest
Protección web con pruebas de penetración

Una prueba de penetración, pentest es un método de evaluación de la seguridad de un sistema informático mediante la simulación de un ataque. Una prueba de penetración de aplicaciones web para seguridad de datos se centra sólo en la evaluación de la seguridad de una aplicación web. El proceso implica un análisis activo de la solicitud de las debilidades, fallas técnicas, o vulnerabilidades. Todas las cuestiones de seguridad que se encuentran se presentarán al propietario del sistema, junto con una evaluación del impacto, una propuesta de mitigación o una solución técnica con ayuda de Webimprints, una empresas de seguridad informatica.

Muchos-a veces, los clientes tienen sus sitios web hechos, pero debido a una u otra razón, no se puede trabajar bien y es la razón principal es por lo general los problemas con la seguridad de datos. En webimprints, trabajamos para garantizar la seguridad de trabajo a dichos clientes de forma que el valor de su trabajo no se vea menoscabada y el cliente felizmente podemos seguir adelante.

El trabajo se realiza con la máxima eficiencia y el máximo esfuerzo se ponen para que el cliente obtiene satisfecho y luego, le aseguramos que nunca romper sus vínculos con webimprints, una empresas de seguridad informatica.

Hacer negocios en línea ha sido siempre un riesgo. Es un mundo de trampas imprevistas, con vulnerabilidades y amenazas sin hacer pentest se manifiestan en el lugar menos esperado, en la hora menos esperada.

La proliferación de la Web como el medio de elección para la comunicación significa hackers concentran sus esfuerzos allí construir sitios web como nuevos campos de batalla. Los hackers están atacando durante todo el día, tratando de interrumpir el acceso, robar información confidencial y cometer fraude y por ese razón pentest es tan importante.

Soluciones de seguridad de datos de aplicaciones web le permiten prevenir las infracciones y el tiempo de inactividad por asegurar sus aplicaciones contra los ataques web. Nuestra Web Application Pentest (WAP) intenta abordar la parte superior Owasp 10 y 20 superior SANS vulnerabilidades de las aplicaciones web y otras lagunas explotables de su aplicación web. Junto con ello nuestro equipo WAP también probar las aplicaciones web más visitados fallas lógicas que pueden afectar directa o indirectamente el funcionamiento de la aplicación. Módulos de la recopilación de información a identificar el entorno de aplicación, los marcos, las dependencias y las plataformas con ayuda de empresas de seguridad informatica.
Los datos de diversas herramientas se recoge, aerodinámico, referencia cruzada y se almacena en la base de datos de pruebas internas.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

With Data Security Company, leave no stone unturned

The data security and confidentiality of information are a must. Privacy in this field must be taken into account when defining corporate strategy and data management that incorporate best practices on Data Security from premature stages of planning is the best way to prevent future occurrence of gaps safety and minimizing the risk. The concept of data security protects data and information from the activities necessary to prevent access, creation and / or unauthorized or inappropriate changes of corporate data. Ensuring privacy requires enforcement actions and control have to be provided from planning the strategy of enterprise data management. User needs and safety management data on corporate strategy. When looking to define standards of privacy and confidentiality of data that the company will operate in, time to set a password or determine the security controls data procedures, it should be an introspective effort that results in the understanding own needs.

Knowing the criticality of the information with which they work, find out who the users in charge of what and know what the different levels of access that are allowed to interact with the information will be, there are three key factors to leave no stone unturned to it may pose a security risk tomorrow (or in the present moment).

Furthermore, proceed systematically ensures a good result and, therefore, in terms of control is needed:
- Sort the confidentiality of the information.
- Manage users, passwords and groups.
- Manage data access views.
- Care access permissions to the data.
- Monitor user authentication and access behavior.
- Audit the security of data.

Implementing these procedures and automating processes with the help of data Security Company from the perspective of a common strategy to emphasize the importance of data protection, it is possible to work with warranty

To define standards of privacy and confidentiality of information and establish procedures for access and safety, you must know your own needs not to take any risks in terms of:  
·         The significance and importance of the information that works
·         Users who will be in charge of every duty
·         Determine the different levels of access to be granted to interact with the data
The systematization of the process ensures a good result. In terms of control, it is necessary to classify the confidentiality of information; manage users, passwords and groups; managing data access views; protect the data access permissions; monitor the conduct user authentication and access; and audit the security of the data. If these procedures are implemented and the processes are automated through a common strategy can ensure the safety and protection and data quality in the overall strategy for managing information. Webimprints is a data security company that helps to ensure information control in your organization.  Posed by Webimprints.