Saturday, 16 August 2014

Complete Penetration Testing

As manager of our systems and the most important responsibilities is to maintain the security of our least vulnerable platform possible and this is important to constantly put to the test the security methods that we have implemented and also can detect any vulnerabilities that existed before this is exploited by an attacker.  And this is where penetration testing, pentest called, which is the method of evaluating the security of network, applications or systems and communication solutions simulating a computer attack on a network server or from an external or internal source enters. The process involves an active analysis of all computers on the network to detect any security vulnerabilities by a fault in the server configuration or safety equipment.

The penetration test is very important for the many reasons.
- Determine the set of attack vectors
- Identify critical risks vulnerabilities that result from a combination of lower-risk vulnerabilities exploited in a particular sequence
- Identify vulnerabilities that may be difficult or impossible to detect with automated network or scanning software vulnerabilities.
- Test the ability of the network defenses to successfully detect and respond to attacks

The Penetration Test consists of two stages of testing:

External Penetration Test:  The goal is to remotely access the computers in the organization and position as a system administrator. Are made from outside the Firewall and consist penetrate the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and then access the internal network. It consists of a large number of tests, to mention a few:
- User Testing and the "strength" of their passwords.
- Capture traffic.
- Detection of external connections and address ranges.
- Detection protocols used.
- Scanning of TCP, UDP and ICMP ports.
- Attempts to access via remote access.
- Security analysis of the connections with suppliers, remote workers or entities outside the organization.
- Tests vulnerabilities and known at the time of completion of the Test.
- Testing Denial of Service.

Internal Penetration Test: This type of testing is to demonstrate that the level of internal security. Provision must be made to do an internal attacker and far will be able to enter the system as a user with low privileges. This test also consists of numerous tests:
- Analysis of internal protocols and vulnerabilities.
- User Authentication.
- Checking permissions and shares.
- Test the main servers (WWW, DNS, FTP, SMTP, etc.).
- Test vulnerability on proprietary applications.
- Level intrusion detection systems.
- Analysis of the security of workstations.
- Network Security.
- Verification of access rules.
- Denial of Service Attacks

Webimprints is a penetration testing company in Mexico that provides both internal and external penetration testing services. Posted by Webimprints.

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