Saturday, 2 August 2014

Pentester and Ethical Hacking

In recent years the term "ethical hacking" has attracted many views for and against. By definition ethical hacking is known as a penetration test or "pentest" which is essentially defined as the "art" of checking for security vulnerabilities in an organization, and later through report errors are indicated found security, mitigate as soon as possible and prevent information leakage and attacks. Many organizations have invested in training their employees from Penetration Testing company to think and act as malicious hackers and able to protect the most important assets of the company: digital information. Ethical Hacking combination of two words so far, seems to confuse many people because the word "ethical" We always refers to something "good", while "hacking" suggests otherwise.

This problem is based on ignorance of the work done by experts in information security when applied to systems planned through various methodologies audits, through them, assess vulnerabilities to cyber attacks in an organization. A project of Ethical Hacking is a controlled penetration into computer systems of a company, in the same way you would a hacker or hacker but ethically, written permission.
The result is a report on systems that have been penetrated and confidential information and / or secret achieved are identified. It is itself an audit conducted by professional information security, who are called "pentester". The work they do is known as "ethical hacking" or "penetration testing". Penetration tests were in response to the presence and conduct of the first hacking organizations, which brought serious consequences, including financial loss and reputation. This is where the work involved an "ethical hacker", as their work is to find vulnerabilities in the systems of the organization, then to mitigate and prevent leaks of sensitive information.
Each project is individually studied and proposed services can combine different fields of audits (internal, external, systems, web applications, etc) depending on the specific needs of each client is done. In recent years, new techniques for intruding that threaten information security have become more sophisticated, so organizations and companies have implemented ethical hacking, although combat the idea that this activity is harmful, it has not been easy.

Despite its bad reputation, not all hackers are cyber criminals, some help organizations strengthen their security. Therefore, to try to distinguish one group from another, the terms ethical hackers and crackers were introduced. The first identifies those who perform intrusion techniques for malicious purposes and profit; while the latter refers to those who do it for ethical purposes and for the good of the organization requesting it. Webimprints is an Information Security Company that provides ethical ways to help organizations and individuals from cyber threats. Posted by Webimprints.

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